How To Complete FL-343

Spousal Support Order (you need this even if no Spousal Support requested)

About This Lesson

This is the section on how to complete the spousal support order. You are going to complete the spousal support order regardless if there is spousal support or not.

You have to decide whether there will be no spousal support, for how long and how much, or if you are going to terminate spousal support or leave the issue of spousal support for later determination, known as “reserved jurisdiction.

Listen to this podcast where we explain what you have to do in all above circumstances.

Click Here==>Instructions for terminating spousal support or having non-modifiable spousal support<==Click Here

Video Discussion & Helpful Tips

Guys And Gals – A few tips here….

Everyone that is here is a paid member and trying to get through their divorce.  While we have created a video tutorial, we are always welcome to your comments.  Especially as it pertains to local county rules and forms.

We not have over 1000 members and we are usually the first to know about any changes, so let’s help our members and post and helpful tips you came across when dealing with your divorce paperwork.