Default Divorce Case Issues

Default Cases Are Handled Different - We Discuss In This Module

About This Module

When you are going through a divorce, there are different types.  Uncontested, Default and Hybrid.  This module discusses Default divorce cases as there are different things you have to do when the other party is not involved.

Check our our Frequently Asked Questions About Default Judgments

Don’t File A True Default Case When You Have An Agreement

How & When To File A Default Prove Up FAM-031

True Default Cases With Marriages Over 10 Years

When you have a true default where the other party is not involved at all and have a marriage of longer than 10 years, there is specific information that has to go into the judgment.


What Is A Default Prove Up or Default Setting

If you file a default style divorce case, the court may call you into court to ask questions about the agreements. This is called a default prove up or default setting. We discuss in this video.


Default Prove Ups For True Default Cases

A true default divorce case is one where the other party is not involved at all. Meaning no response filed and not participating. There is a certain way to handle the prove ups in true default cases.


How Community Property Is Treated In True Default Cases

What you should now about true default cases involving community property.


4 Things That Will Cause Your Request To Enter Default To Be Rejected

Avoid these 4 mistakes when completing and filing your request to enter default

Video Discussion & Helpful Tips

Guys And Gals – A few tips here….

Everyone that is here is a paid member and trying to get through their divorce.  While we have created a video tutorial, we are always welcome to your comments.  Especially as it pertains to local county rules and forms.

We not have over 1000 members and we are usually the first to know about any changes, so let’s help our members and post and helpful tips you came across when dealing with your divorce paperwork.